In 1732 a devout Quaker named Joseph Saunders
left Great Britain to settle in Philadelphia.
This is the story of Joseph and his descendants.
Related Family Names:
Armbruster Ashby Atkins Badlam Baker Baldwin
Ball Barnitz Bennett Berlin
Bimmer Bleuel Bodnar Bonner
Borden Boyd Bradley Brannan Browne Buck Burnett Carpenter
Chadwick Chichester
Child Chinn Churchill
Clayton Clifton Coates
Coleman Comegys Conrad Cook Corwin Couch Councill Crane Crukshank
Custis Czubera Davis Douglass Downman Duncan duPont Edson Eliot Emery
English Farnham Fisher Flannagan Fosticz Friedlander Frost Gerdes Gerrish Gjessing
Grimes Goddard Goodrich Gubera Hall Harper Hartshorne Harvey Hayes Heale Hereford
Higgins Holland Holmes Homberg Hoy Hugg Jackson James Janney Johnson Kay Kerr Lamley
Leadbeater Lemmon Lewis McCausland McCray McNeal McPherson McIlvaine Marll Mather
Mayfield Meagher Mellmann Miller Mills Moore Morris Moser Murphy Niemcow Nutting
O'Dea Olding Oliver Osborne Pancoast Parker Patch Pearce Pendegast Perrott Pettus
Pierpoint Piersol Pike Pleasants Poindexter Power Prahl Preston Price Redwood
Reed Reeve Richards Richardson Roberts Robertson Rodman Romanowicz
Russell Sanderson Sappington Scott Sewell Sexton Shea Sibley Sinclair
Sleeper Smoot Snowden Stabler Stephenson Talbot Tarbuck Taylor
Thornton Townsend Thruston Travilla Tully Tuttle Walker
Waldron Wanton Washington Wilkins Williams
Winans Withers Wood Wray Young
When you click on and
open any of the chapters
listed down the left hand
side you will find a link to
a PDF file.
This file, when opened,
provides the reader
with a comprehensive
account of the family
or person, including
illustrations, maps,
dozens of family trees,
photographs of members
of the Saunders family
and their relations,
obituaries, tombstones
and, where appropriate,
brief descriptions of the
towns and cities in
which the people and
families lived and died.
Since some of these
PDF files are large
because of all the
illustrations and
pictures allow a few
seconds for them
to open.
Last updated:
January 2021 |